Day 131: Self-Practice, My Magic Carpet, The Winter Chill and Arm & Leg Warmers…

December 1, 2011 § Leave a comment

yoga self-practiceself-practice yogaleg warmers

Was feeling a bit guilty for not going to class today (even though I went yesterday) because I knew it was for poor excuses like “I’m really tired and my whole body is aching”; “I have another conference call at 9 and that means I’ll be rushing”; “It’s too cold and too wet outside!”; “I have groceries and frozen food I need to take home”… But it turns out going straight home was probably the best thing I could have done tonight. I will always, always advocate going to a big group class – because the energy in the room is so much stronger and the determination and skill so much more tangible when they bounce off each other and reverb within the 4 walls of that studio. HOWEVER, nothing quite beats the focus, dedication, discipline and serenity of a really good self-practice. / Today, I am grateful for my mat. The second my feet and palms plant themselves on this magic carpet, I know it will take me places where I find joy, where I find bliss, and where I find peace. / I am grateful for the winter chill. I tell you, when you’re working up a sweat doing inversions next to a radiator, having the backdoor open during the approaching winter is like free airconditioning. It’s great! =) / I’m grateful for my leg warmers for keeping the cold away. I especially love this photo because it is exactly like me – Seasonally Confused! / I’m grateful for my arm warmers. Not because they keep my arms warm, but because they give me extra grip when I’m trying to practice my pincha pose! I just wish I would stop laughing every time I hold it for longer than 5 seconds. It’s kinda hard to master a pose when every time you think you’ve got it, you get so excited you break the concentration… hmmm! The end.

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