Day 331: Chilli Heatwave Doritos, My G.A.P T-shirt, Spreadshirt and Briefing Will…

June 18, 2012 § Leave a comment

doritos chilli heatwave


grateful t-shirt

brand DNA









I very much appreciate Chilli Heatwave Doritos… a little too much!! It is, unfortunately, one of my guilty pleasures. And considering I’ve practically gone from a girl who used to splash tabasco on everything from ham and cheese sandwiches, carbonara, pizzas and not-hot-enough chilli con carnes to a pure, clean sattvic vegetarian diet… I  do allow myself this one little indulgence on a rare occasion. Today was one of those days… Darnit! =p / This is something I forgot to blog about a few weeks ago so I’m sticking it in here to fill the gaps =p Let’s just say I’m grateful for the existence and fortunate finding of Spreadshirt… because you are about to make one of my dreams and projects come true =) / Grateful for Will Power. Now go off and be inspired. Take these other dreams and make it real… Then come back to me with the solution to this problem =) 😉 #futureplanning. sweet. as. pie! 😉

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